Our Mission

Our mission is to help bring a focus to one of the largest drivers to what has become the annual validation to what we have seen mounting for the last three decades, healthcare complexity, and administrative burden on healthcare providers and payers. What has not been well understood or documented, is the reciprocal nature of the delay in care caused by such complexity, and the cost of the additional and often more complicated care as a result.

About the Founder

CHANGEHealthcareNOW is the vision of healthcare industry veteran, lecturer, videographer, author, and patient advocate, Walt Culbertson who has spent decades successfully working across the spectrum of healthcare stakeholders.

Join the Cause

CHANGEHealthcareNOW is in the early stages of formation and setting up its legal structure. If you are similarly motivated to turn back the rising tide of healthcare costs starting with simplifying healthcare, and you have Not-For-Profit organizational experience, insights on bending the cost curve of healthcare down and other ideas, and a willingness to roll up your sleeves and help make change happen as an early supporter sponsored, please contact us at Info@changehealthcarenow.org

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